Speaker Announcement – Holly Stokes

Step Into Creative Flow with your Blog through your Brain

Do you ever get writer’s block? Do you stare at a blank screen and don’t know what to write?

In this class, we’ll talk about the brain – how it works, and how you can use your brain to step into writer’s flow at anytime. You’ll discover instant ways to tap into your own writing genius by training your brain for creativity. No more waiting for the lightning to strike before you write.

Holly Stokes

Holly Stokes, The Brain Trainer loves helping clients clear the mental blocks that get in the way of health, happiness, and success. She has been in business 8 years and is a Certified Master Neuro-Linguistic Programming Practitioner, a Certified Hypnotherapist, and a Certified NLP Life and Health Coach.

She is the author of two books and multiple CDs designed to train the brain for weight loss, life happiness, and business achievement.